Mi307-408F - Udon Noodles with lemongrass

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  • Einmalige Tagesveranstaltung
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€ ٢٣٫٩٠ - Preis ermäßigt: 21,10 EUR
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In this workshop, you will learn how to prepare this quick, easy aromatic lemongrass udon noodle stir fry with a hint of fresh ginger and vegetables. You will also learn, how to build layers of flavour profiles and how to adapt the recipe to use other ingredients of your choice.

Rani Bayat was born and raised in Britain to Indian parents, who grew up with dual heritage as well as having lived in a very diverse cultural environment. This exposure led her to be able to cook a variety of vegan and vegetarian cuisines and most importantly, “healthy and tasty”! Over the years, and throughout travel, Rani naturally progressed, creating fusion foods, cooking techniques, and developing layers of flavour. Rani is looking forward to sharing this very experience through creating these delicious cuisines especially in Thai and other Pan Asian cuisines.

جميع البيانات مقدمة دون ضمان. تتحمل الجهات المقدمة حصرًا مسؤولية صحة البيانات.

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