Mi210-006S - Basic course digital photography

Next Date:
Course ends on:
Total Duration:
36 Tagen
Execution Time:
  • Abendkurs einmal pro Woche
min. Participants:
max. Participants:
€136 - Preis ermäßigt: 79,00 EUR
Final Examination:
Qualification Title:
keine Angaben
Certifications of the Course:
keine Angaben
Courses for Women only:
Link to Course:
Quantity of Details:
Suchportal Standard nicht erfüllt - further information

Target Groups:
keine Angaben
Professional Requirements:
keine Angaben
Technical Requirements:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Classification of the Federal Employment Agency:
keine Angaben


This course provides an introduction to the basics of photography with digital SLR, mirrorless cameras or digital compact cameras (if manual programs such as A, S, P, M are available). You will learn to use the camera functions such as aperture, time and ISO for the respective photographic genres such as portraiture, architecture, landscape and night photography in practice. In addition, we deal with topics such as image design and motif search using focal length, sharpness and detail. The resulting works are discussed in the group. At the end of the course you will be able to consciously use the functions of your camera for meaningful photos. Surprises remain calculable.

Ivonne Thein studied photography at the FH Dortmund and at the RMIT Melbourne, Australia. Since 2007 she has been working as a freelance photo artist and has already participated in numerous national and international group and solo exhibitions. Teaching experience at the FH Dortmund and other educational institutions.

All statements without guarantee. The providers are solely responsible for the correctness of the given information.

Published on 09.04.2024, last updated on 19.05.2024