Diversity Management in International Context

Następny termin:
14.05.2024 - Live-Online-Sitzungen: Donnerstag 14:30-16:00 Uhr
Oferta wygasa w dniu:
Łączny czas trwania:
28 Stunden in 43 Tagen
Język wykładowy:
  • Englisch
Rodzaj szkolenia:
  • Weiterbildung 
Forma oferty:
  • E-Learning 
Czas przeprowadzania zajęć:
  • Teilzeitveranstaltung
Min. ilość uczestników:
Maks. ilość uczestników:
725 € - 650 EUR Course Fee. 75 EUR Registration Fee. Receive a discount of 75 EUR on your registration for a second course!
Rodzaj dyplomu:
Egzamin końcowy:
Rodzaj świadectwa ukończenia:
keine Angaben
Certyfikaty oferty:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Oferty tylko dla kobiet:
Organizatorzy oferujący opieką dla dzieci:
Link do oferty:
Jakość informacji:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Grupy docelowe:
  Learners at all stages of the life-long learning process - young professionals, graduates, postgraduates, experienced professionals from all fields looking for additional qualification.
Wymagania specjalistyczne:
English language abilities in speaking and writing on the Upper Intermediate level (at least B2)
Wymagania techniczne:
A stable internet connection and a quiet work environment
Systematyka agencji zatrudnienia:
keine Angaben


Diversity skills are an increasingly important key to success for teams, companies, and individuals. Doing diversity well means not only building a workplace with diverse people, but also engaging in diversity management through strategies that aim to remove barriers and foster active participation in the workplace. In this course participants will learn about diversity management and will develop approaches to identify and reduce personal and organizational bias, navigate conversations surrounding diversity topics, create diversity management strategies, and generally contribute to and create inclusive workspaces. Using a variety of interactive methods, with a focus on real-life, relevant case studies, participants will develop their own resource-oriented toolkits and will have ample opportunity to bring in personal experience.

What you will gain from this course:

Knowledge about the concept of diversity management in general as well as knowledge about what you need to successfully engage in diversity management
Practical awareness training and key skills for human interaction in a professional context
Enhanced competences and a qualification boost to your CV with maximum flexibility parallel to your job or course of studies
A continuing education certificate from Freie Universität Berlin

This is the perfect course for you if you are...

looking for additional qualification in strategic personnel development, HR, and/or team leadership
working or striving to work in a diverse and possibly international professional setting
eager to understand social diversity and its significance in working life, and to better use and strengthen your team's or company's diverse qualities
keen on to building inclusive workspaces

What you should bring to the course:

English language abilities in speaking and writing on the Upper Intermediate level (at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
The willingness and ability to participate and actively contribute to the three live sessions of this course
An openness to encounter, explore, and reflect on different communication styles and collaboration techniques
A stable internet connection and a quiet work environment

Your Instructor:
Amanda Wichert

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Po raz pierwszy opublikowano dnia 10.02.2023, Ostatnia aktualizacja 14.05.2024