Audiovisual Women 2023/24

Następny termin:
Termin auf Anfrage
Łączny czas trwania:
60 Stunden in 6 Monate
Język wykładowy:
  • Englisch
Rodzaj szkolenia:
  • Weiterbildung 
Forma oferty:
  • Blended Learning 
Czas przeprowadzania zajęć:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
  • Wochenendveranstaltung
Min. ilość uczestników:
Maks. ilość uczestników:
500 € - beginnt bei 500,00 Euro bis 2,500 Euro
Rodzaj dyplomu:
Egzamin końcowy:
Rodzaj świadectwa ukończenia:
keine Angaben
Certyfikaty oferty:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Oferty tylko dla kobiet:
Organizatorzy oferujący opieką dla dzieci:
Link do oferty:
Jakość informacji:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Grupy docelowe:
Female managers working across the audiovisual value chain as well as hiring managers of their companies
Wymagania specjalistyczne:
Female professionals in mid- to senior-level management positions in the audiovisual industry Companies from across the value chain in the European audiovisual industry (film / TV / games / digital, etc.) At least 3 years experience in the audiovidual industry Please note applications cannot be saved mid-process or changed after submission
Wymagania techniczne:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Systematyka agencji zatrudnienia:
keine Angaben


AUDIOVISUAL WOMEN is a new leadership program for female professionals in mid- to senior-level management positions. It sets out to enhance the women's skillset to enable and empower them to master current industry challenges, develop innovative business models, and embrace the opportunities of digitization. Through a variety of elements, the women will increase their competitiveness, build professional networks, and gain more business opportunities, thus ensuring the sustainable and successful development of their businesses.

AUDIOVISUAL WOMEN addresses female managers working across the value chain in the European audiovisual industry, offering a highly interdisciplinary and unique approach to training and professional development. Besides the female professionals, the program also includes the hiring managers of their companies.

The program elements for the female professionals focus on topics such as (digital) leadership and entrepreneurship, innovation and change management in a VUCA world as well as communication and self-marketing. The combination of tailor-made live on-site and online training, 1:1 business coaching, exclusive networking opportunities, and a self-study phase with access to innovative online courses allows for a holistic and interactive experience. It equips women with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing industry.

The hiring managers will be included in the program through a two-day training addressing gender equality and diversity management. The training provides them with tools to implement more diverse and gender-equal hiring practices to create change on a more significant level.

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Po raz pierwszy opublikowano dnia 29.06.2023, Ostatnia aktualizacja 28.04.2024