CW406-416F - Creative Writing Weekend: A First Draft Is Always Better Than No Draft

الموعد القادم:
الدورة تنتهي في:
إجمالي المدة:
keine Angabe
فترة التنفيذ:
  • - Wochenendkurs
أدنى عدد للمشاركين:
أقصى عدد للمشاركين:
€ ٨٠ - Preis ermäßigt: 44,00 EUR
اختبار إتمام المؤهل:
اسم المؤهِّل:
keine Angaben
اعتمادات العرض:
keine Angaben
عرض للسيدات فقط:
رعاية الأطفال:
رابط العرض:
جودة المعلومات:
Suchportal Standard nicht erfüllt - المزيد من المعلومات.

المجموعات المستهدفة:
keine Angaben
المتطلبات المهنية:
keine Angaben
المتطلبات التقنية:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
منهجية وكالات العمل:
keine Angaben


Studying creative writing techniques can significantly enhance your writing skills. We will delve into various literary forms - from short stories to poems. By focusing more on words, sentences, and paragraphs, we aim to improve our ease and confidence in using language and crafting a well-structured plot and three-dimensional character(s).

The course includes reading materials, brief lectures on writing craft, group discussions, writing exercises and prompts, workshops, and revisions. Be prepared to read, write, share your work, and offer and receive constructive feedback. By the end of this course, you will have gained a foundational understanding of narrative craft and, hopefully, enjoyed the process. Our main objective is to refine your writing to be more precise, clear, and captivating while also fostering creativity and employing language for innovative thinking.

The course will primarily be conducted in English, but students are welcome to write in Turkish.

No prior experience in creative writing is necessary, but enthusiasm and dedication are highly desired.

Bu hafta sonu kursunun baslica amaci, kisa öykülerden siirlere uzanan yazma sürecinizde dil kullaniminizi güçlendirmek ve yazma özgüveninizi artirmaktir. Kurs, edebi eserlerden örneklerle dersler, grup tartismalari ve yazma egzersizlerinden olusmaktadir. Kurgusal metin unsurlarina detayli bir sekilde odaklanacak ve bu konuda alistirmalar ve geri bildirimler sunacagiz. Kurs agirlikli olarak Ingilizce olarak gerçeklestirilecektir, ancak katilimcilar Türkçe de yazabilir.

About the instructor: Cagla Aribal, a Berlin-based author, scholar, and teacher.

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