Pa4082FPr - Englisch B1 plus, Lektionen 5-8 - Intensivkurs

Next Date:
Course ends on:
Total Duration:
keine Angabe
Execution Time:
  • Einmaliger Mehrtages-/Wochenkurs
min. Participants:
max. Participants:
€118.50 - Preis ermäßigt: 64,25 EUR
  • Bildungszeit/-freistellung 
    Veranstaltung ist gemäß § 10 Berliner Bildungszeitgesetz anerkannt.
Final Examination:
Qualification Title:
keine Angaben
Certifications of the Course:
  • Bildungsurlaub
Courses for Women only:
Link to Course:
Quantity of Details:
Suchportal Standard nicht erfüllt - further information

Target Groups:
keine Angaben
Professional Requirements:
keine Angaben
Technical Requirements:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Classification of the Federal Employment Agency:
keine Angaben


This intensive modal of learning provides a valuable shared experience exploring and improving cross-cultural communication within respectful and diverse small groups, (6-14 participants) learning about each other while improving their English skills.
In B1 plus level 2 of 3, you will learn phrasal verbs (literal/idiomatic/separable, inseparable) and adverbs to describe events in more detail. You will use modal verbs to express advice, permission, prohibition, and obligation. You will practice the simple and progressive forms of the past and perfect tenses and learn idioms derived from body parts, as well as how to form words using prefixes and suffixes. We will work with future tenses (present continuous, going to, will), as well as modal verbs (may, might, could) to talk about future possibilities. Some writing will include practicing connecting words. Offers, requests, and numbers are also practiced.

📖 Literatur: Headway Intermediate, 5th edition, Student's Book with online Practice, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-019-452915-0

🙋 Weitere Informationen: Porträt der Kursleiterin und Künstlerin Amelia Seymour

All statements without guarantee. The providers are solely responsible for the correctness of the given information.

Published on 09.04.2024, last updated on 24.05.2024