Positive Leadership and Change Management: Mastering Current and Future Challenges

Следующая дата:
06.05.2024 - Live-Online-Sessions: Monday 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Курс заканчивается:
Общая продолжительность:
28 Stunden in 43 Tagen
язык обучения:
  • Englisch
Вид мероприятия:
  • Weiterbildung 
Форма предложения:
  • E-Learning 
Время проведения:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
Участники мин.:
Участники макс.:
725 € - 650 EUR Course Fee. 75 EUR Registration Fee. Receive a discount of 75 EUR on your registration for a second course!
Вид документа об образовании:
Итоговый экзамен:
Окончательный титул:
keine Angaben
Сертификация курса:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Курсы только для женщин:
Присмотр за детьми:
Ссылка на курс:
Качество информации:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Целевые группы:
Learners at all stages of the life-long learning process - young professionals, graduates, postgraduates, experienced professionals from all fields looking for additional qualification.
Профессиональные условия:
English language abilities in speaking and writing on the Upper Intermediate level (at least B2)
Технические условия:
A stable internet connection and a quiet work environment
Систематика терминов агентств по трудоустройству Германии:
keine Angaben


In our online certificate course, you will get to know the essentials of positive leadership and change management, and you will explore how to implement positive leadership in your current or future change management activities. The practical transfer will be supported by looking at the concrete challenges faced by participants and identifying suitable next steps.

The course will provide you with strategies to foster personal and team resilience, allowing you to cope with change-related resistance and setbacks effectively. You will learn to inspire teams and effectively communicate during transitions.

What you will gain from this online course on Positive Leadership and Change Management:
- Knowledge on scientific foundations in positive psychology
- Understanding of the concept of positive leadership, e.g., the PERMA lead concept
- Competence to practically apply positive leadership principles in the context of change at work
- A continuing education certificate from Freie Universität Berlin

This is the perfect continuing education course for you if you want to...
- understand the positive leadership approach and apply it effectively in change processes
- explore various change management models and frameworks, enabling you to identify the most appropriate approach for your specific organizational challenges
- become a more relational, attentive and empathetic leader
- to create a culture in which employees are flexible and better able to adapt to organizational change

What you should bring to this online course:
- English language abilities in speaking and writing on the Upper Intermediate level (at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- The willingness and ability to participate and actively contribute to the three live sessions of this course
- An openness for interaction and sharing your personal experiences within the group
- A stable internet connection and a quiet work environment

Your Instructor:
Saskia Vellguth

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Впервые опубликовано на 01.11.2023, последнее обновление на 06.05.2024