Applied Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

Наступний запис:
02.05.2024 - 8:30 bis 16:30 Uhr
Курс завершується:
Загальна тривалість:
in 234 Tagen
Мови навчання:
  • Deutsch
Вид заходу:
  • Weiterbildung 
Форма проведення:
  • Blended Learning 
Час проведення:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
Мінімальна кількість учасників:
Максимальна кількість учасників:
10 984 EUR
Вид документа про освіту:
Випускний екзамен:
keine Angaben
Сертифікати курсу:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Номер заходу:
  • 962/26/2024
Курс тільки для жінок:
Догляд за дітьми:
Посилання на курс:
Інформаційна якість:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Цільові групи:
 You have an academic degree in biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, physics or computer science. Previous experience in computer science or programming is not necessary. Important are good subj
Професійні вимоги:
Requirements: interest in the subject areas of biology and computer science, good English skills, solid basic knowledge in biology and mathematics, enjoying working with IT applications
Технічні вимоги:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Номенклатура агенцій з працевлаштування:
keine Angaben


The professional training in Applies Bioinformatics and Biostatistics focuses on adquiring skills by joining biology and computer science. You will learn evaluation methods of bioinformatics such as sequence analysis, next generation sequencing (NGS) and the visualization of structures, as well as the targeted use of (molecular) biological databases and the application of statistical methods using R / R Studio. Furthermore you will be able to write small scripts in Python, which will expand your career profile. In this way, you will be prepared for a job at the intersection of bioinformatics, statistics and programming.
For employment seekers, funding is possible with an education voucher. The training is AZAV certified.

Training Content:

1. Introduction to Programming and Python
Application strategies, professional profile, and perspectives
Introduction to Linux and Bash (Bourne-again shell) under Linux
Fundamentals of programming (programming methodology, pseudocode, data structures)
Version control and code documentation (Git/GitHub)
Introduction to the Python programming language
Object-oriented programming in Python

2. Bioinformatics and Biodatabases
NCBI and interaction databases
Biopython: Web services
Database management
Relational database schema, SQL integration

3. Applied Bioinformatics
Sequence analysis, sequencing strategies
Pairwise and multiple alignments, BLAST variants
Structural bioinformatics, software for structure visualization
Automated image recognition methods. Digital image processing. Example: Automatic cell and area calculation

4. Applied Biostatistics
Fundamentals of statistics, descriptive and multivariate statistics
Statistical analysis with R/R-Studio
Variance, principal component, cluster, and discriminant analysis
Concepts of machine learning (Markov chain implementation)
Artificial neural networks/networks
Application of artificial intelligence (AI), especially programs like ChatGPT

5. Next Generation Sequencing
Introduction to NGS. Basics of NGS
Familiarization with NGS data formats (FASTQ, SAM/BAM)
Installation of NGS programs/tools
Processing of sequencing data (quality control, trimming, mapping)
Use of Conda for creating and managing software environments for NGS data analysis
Creating NGS workflows (Galaxy and Snakemake or R and Nextflow)

6. Internship
Joint organization of a project phase in a company/institute
Individual application coaching
Comparison of independently compiled company lists with the CQ company network for better coordination
Providing research tools (platforms, associations, clubs, technology parks, job advertisements)
Opportunity to apply the learned skills in a work process with real data
For participants not residing in Berlin, the internship can be completed in the vicinity of their place of residence or remotely
The gateway to a job
Support during the application process
Researched job advertisements (nationwide in Germany) will be provided
Researched job advertisements will be sent by email to former participants up to 6 months after completing the training


A requirement is your interest in the subject areas of biology and computer science. Good English skills, solid basic knowledge in biology and mathematics as well as enjoying working with IT applications are required. The target group includes in particular academics in biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, physics and computer science.

The Training will be conducted online (live) or in person. We would be happy to provide you with more information about the exact program.

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Дата першої публікації: 05.05.2021, дата останнього оновлення: 02.05.2024