Pa4143F - Englisch B2/C1 - The art of speech

Наступний запис:
Курс завершується:
Загальна тривалість:
3 Tage
Час проведення:
  • Ein-/mehr-maliger Wochenendkurs
Мінімальна кількість учасників:
Максимальна кількість учасників:
69 EUR - Preis ermäßigt: 38,00 EUR
Випускний екзамен:
keine Angaben
Сертифікати курсу:
keine Angaben
Курс тільки для жінок:
Догляд за дітьми:
Посилання на курс:
Інформаційна якість:
Suchportal Standard nicht erfüllt - Додаткова інформація

Цільові групи:
keine Angaben
Професійні вимоги:
keine Angaben
Технічні вимоги:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Номенклатура агенцій з працевлаштування:
keine Angaben


Going back to First Principles: How do we speak and why? The Road Forward: What is the best approach to becoming a confident and articulate speaker?
There is no one size fits all approach. True teaching begins with listening. It begins with learning what each individual needs in each moment. The most surefire and science backed approach to learning anything is: Many repeated attempts in a valid environment followed by immediate and relevant feedback.

This course is designed for individuals who are seeking to improve their public speaking skills and understand the fundamentals of rhetoric and performance. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to enhance your communication abilities, this course provides an in-depth exploration of the concepts and techniques necessary for effective communication.

Taught by a professional actor, the course will cover the fundamentals of rhetoric, including the principles of argumentation, the art of persuasion, and the use of figurative language.

In addition, this course will provide hands-on training in the art of performance, with a focus on voice projection, physical presence, and stage presence. Through practical exercises, you will have the opportunity to develop your own personal style and refine your performance skills.

The course is taught in English and is designed to be academically rigorous, with a focus on developing critical thinking and analysis skills. It is suitable for individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels, and will provide a strong foundation for further study in the field of communication and performance.

Needed materials will be provided by the teacher.

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Дата першої публікації: 09.04.2024, дата останнього оновлення: 06.05.2024