Think Global, Act Local: Finding Solutions for Sustainability Challenges

Prochain date:
13.05.2024 - Live-Online-Sessions: Monday, 2.00 - 3.30 p.m. Berlin Time (CEST)
Le cours se termine le:
Durée totale:
28 Stunden
Langues d'enseignement:
  • Englisch
Type de formation:
  • Weiterbildung 
Forme de cours:
Temps d'exécution:
  • Teilzeitveranstaltung
Participants min.:
Participants max.:
725 € - 650 EUR Course Fee. 75 EUR Registration Fee. Receive a discount of 75 EUR on your registration for a second course!
Type de diplôme:
Examen final:
Désignation de diplôme:
keine Angaben
Certifications du cours:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Cours pour femmes uniquement:
Garde d’enfants:
Lien vers l’offre:
Qualité de l’information:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Groupes cibles:
Learners at all stages of the life-long learning process - young professionals, graduates, postgraduates, experienced professionals from all fields looking for additional qualification.
Connaissances spécialisées:
English language abilities in speaking and writing on the Upper Intermediate level (at least B2)
Connaissances techniques:
Stable internet connection.  Fully functional device, such as computer, laptop or tablet with camera and microphone, headset recommended. Software: Webex Meetings.
Classification de l’Agence pour l’emploi:
keine Angaben


Sustainability is intricately linked to the overall well-being of people and the planet. But what does it mean to be sustainable? This course will help you build a foundational understanding of sustainability on a macro level. You will explore its social, economic, and environmental dimensions using the framework of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This knowledge will then support you on a micro level in defining one specific sustainability challenge in your sphere of influence and developing an impactful solution towards sustainability in your organization or personal live. We will engage peer-support from the group and use Design Thinking as a process for working on your challenge. By the end of the course, you will be able to apply your new sustainability mindset and skills to other projects in your life or career.

What you will gain from this course:
- A good understanding of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Knowledge about sustainable decision-making and skills to act sustainably in your daily life as well as your profession
- Introduction to Design Thinking as a tool for working on your own sustainablity challenge
- A continuing education certificate from Freie Universität Berlin

This is the perfect course for you if you are...
- eager to know more about sustainability and sustainable development
- looking for insights into multi-stakeholder approaches to solve sustainability challenges
- working in or aspiring to work in corporate social responsibility
- striving to chart out the sustainability agenda of your own organization or to find solutions for any other projects towards sustainability in your professional and/or private life

What you should bring to the course:
- English language abilities in speaking and writing on the Upper Intermediate level (at least B2)
- the willingness and ability to participate and actively contribute to the three live sessions of this course
- an openness to explore and reflect on possibilities for change and sustainable development in your professional and/or private life
- a stable internet connection and a quiet work environment

Your Instructor:
Ursel Biester

Toutes les informations sont sans garantie. Les prestataires sont seuls responsables de la justesse des informations mises à disposition.

Première publication le 18.10.2022, dernière mise à jour le 13.05.2024