Mi406-762S - Englisch B2/C1 - Conversation and Grammar

Prochain date:
Le cours se termine le:
Durée totale:
keine Angabe
Temps d'exécution:
  • Abendkurs einmal pro Woche
Participants min.:
Participants max.:
99 € - Preis ermäßigt: 54,50 EUR
Examen final:
Désignation de diplôme:
keine Angaben
Certifications du cours:
keine Angaben
Cours pour femmes uniquement:
Garde d’enfants:
Lien vers l’offre:
Qualité de l’information:
Suchportal Standard nicht erfüllt - informations complémentaires

Groupes cibles:
keine Angaben
Connaissances spécialisées:
keine Angaben
Connaissances techniques:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Classification de l’Agence pour l’emploi:
keine Angaben


B2/C1 level students are often confident when speaking in English, but mistakes slip in from time to time. This course will help you improve and develop your speaking skills by catching and fixing those grammar mistakes. New chances for learning vocabulary and a structured focus on the areas of grammar where B2/C1 students often have problems, can help boost your English to the next level. Various listening activities and challenging texts will give you plenty to talk about, so it will always be fun and interesting as well as useful.

Materials will be provided by the teacher.

Ihr Kursleiter: Matt Cartas is an American with a passion for languages. Since being trained in Japan, he has more than a decade of qualified teaching experience and has taught in several different countries. Matt moved to Berlin in 2014, and enjoys exploring the many different sides of the city and it's surroundings. He's an avid rock climber, photographer, and fan of live music.

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Première publication le 09.04.2024, dernière mise à jour le 22.04.2024