Pa4140F - Englisch B2/C1 - Film-Based interactive English learning

Prochain date:
Le cours se termine le:
Durée totale:
keine Angabe
Temps d'exécution:
  • Tageskurs einmal pro Woche
Participants min.:
Participants max.:
82,20 € - Preis ermäßigt: 45,00 EUR
Examen final:
Désignation de diplôme:
keine Angaben
Certifications du cours:
keine Angaben
Cours pour femmes uniquement:
Garde d’enfants:
Lien vers l’offre:
Qualité de l’information:
Suchportal Standard nicht erfüllt - informations complémentaires

Groupes cibles:
keine Angaben
Connaissances spécialisées:
keine Angaben
Connaissances techniques:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Classification de l’Agence pour l’emploi:
keine Angaben


Watching movies can be a highly effective and enjoyable way to improve your English language skills. Not only does it provide an opportunity to hear authentic spoken English, but it also allows for exposure to different accents, vocabulary, and cultural contexts. Incorporating films into your English learning journey offers opportunities to improve listening skills, expand vocabulary, enhance comprehension through fluency and free discussion, practice writing reviews and gain insights into cultural nuances.

This course aims to improve various skills through the exploration of different movies across genres. Our journey begins with watching Green Book (2018) by Peter Farrelly. Details about other films will be announced after the first session of the course.

Hint: For of each course date, you'll have to watch the concerted film. This will take you weekly around 90-120 minutes of prepartion. In addition to the fixed course dates, you'll visit together one movie in the cinema (ticket price is not included in the course fee!).

Toutes les informations sont sans garantie. Les prestataires sont seuls responsables de la justesse des informations mises à disposition.

Première publication le 12.04.2024, dernière mise à jour le 24.05.2024